Academic Excellence

St Teresa’s Prep School offers a rich and varied curriculum aiming for academic excellence at all times. We believe that children excel academically when they are inspired to learn so our curriculum is delivered through a range of exciting and engaging topics and built upon a progressive ladder of skills. Cross curricular links are made wherever possible and educational visits and workshops are planned to complement and embed learning in the classroom. As well as being well prepared academically, an education at St Teresa’s ensures that the children are well equipped for the future so that they can be the inspirational leaders of tomorrow.

Small class sizes, differentiated lessons, and setting in Mathematics from Year 3, ensure that our girls are appropriately challenged.

Historically, a significant number of our girls achieve scholarships every year:

In 2022-2023 23 scholarships were awarded:
9 Academic
1 Music
6 Sport
3 Art
2 Drama
1 Equestrian

In 2021-2022 19 scholarships were awarded:
5 Academic
1 Music
6 Sport
3 Art
2 Drama
1 Equestrian
2 Tennis

In 2020-2021 23 scholarships were awarded:
10 Academic
4 Music
8 Sport
3 Art
2 Drama
2 Tennis

Specialist Teaching

The curriculum at St Teresa’s is greatly enhanced by specialist subject teachers. The girls excel because of the teachers’ expert knowledge and passion for their subject and it is rare to find this quality and range of specialist teaching on offer to prep aged children.

  • Art
  • Computing (Years 5 & 6)
  • Drama
  • French/Spanish
  • Music
  • Science (Years 5 & 6)
  • Sport
  • Swimming

At St Teresa’s Prep school, we believe that it is vital to monitor pupil progress closely so that each girl is continually stretched and challenged to become the very best she can be in every area of the curriculum.

As a learning-focused school, we very much prefer to focus on progress made rather than attainment achieved, in the belief that good levels of progress will result in high levels of attainment. Teachers assess pupil progress against a range of criteria, including standardised assessments provided by GL Assessments. These assessments are widely used in UK state and independent schools and in international schools around the world.
Each year, the vast majority of our girls make at least the expected rate of progress with a high proportion exceeding that of other children their age.
Predictably, this level of progress has resulted in levels of attainment clearly in advance of the expected levels in most UK schools.

Reporting to Parents

At St Teresa’s we understand how important it is for parents to receive regular updates on their daughter’s progress.
Parents will receive half termly grade sheets throughout the year and a full report at the end of the Summer Term.
In addition to this, the school operates an ‘Open Door’ policy and staff are always happy to discuss any issues that arise over the course of a year.