Donations from FOST

2023 Donations
  • Benches
12 month Summary to Sept 2022
Christmas fair 2022 7,000
Ball 12,268.10
Uniform 7,788.43
Christmas 2,434.84
Onesie sales 955.27
Book Sales Prep 482.22
Movie Night Prep 359.62
Valentine Disco 327.43
Textiles Sold 212.50
Coffee Morning 1,343
Easy Fundraising 36.24
Total £31,993.865
Donation to St Teresa’s 20,315.05
Donation to Senior School 3,184.96
Donation to Prep School 2,225.52
Jubilee Celebration 1,179.12
Total £26,904.65
2021/2022 Donations from FOST
  • Plaque for Jubilee tree
  • Easter eggs for girls
  • Book sale. £482
  • Prep movie night £360
  • Year 7/8 disco £340
  • Christmas fair. £3,400
  • Prep school panto £1,300

Hot chocolate for senior trip ice skating in London years 11 and 12


2020/2021 Donations
  • £900 from Macmillan coffee morning
  • Picnic blankets for years 8,9,10 and 11and waterproof box
  • 10 ipads
  • Easter eggs for all girls
  • Well being room for senior girls
  • £6,469.84 in uniform sales
  • Christmas fair £5,500
  • Roller Disco £300
2019 Donations
  • The daffodil bulbs for the Guinness World Record planting
  • Ukeleles for the Prep school
  • Contributions towards lighting in the Mairlot Hall
  • Contribution towards hoodies for the ESSA and IAPS swimming team who became National Champions
  • 2x table tennis tables
  • Planters
  • Giant connect 4
  • Father Christmas gifts
  • Easter egg Hunt
  • Virtual reality headsets
  • Gazebo
  • Football team shirts
  • Hockey team shirts
  • Hockey team hoodies
  • Outdoor furniture for 6th Form area
  • Equipment to help with counseling
2018 Donations
  • Himalayan Silver Birch outside nursery – Tree planted on
  • Prize giving
  • Oak bus shelter
  • Glass Doors on Science block
  • Round tree bench in playground
  • Forest School outdoor classroom
  • 6 kayaks
  • 6 Paddles
  • 4 large swimming mats
  • 4 frog mats
  • Football posts
  • Christmas fair was £4,700
  • Donations £5,000 for some virtual reality headsets

  • Profits from Christmas fair £6,000
  • Fost donated £3,000 to purchase educational items to enhance learning in IT and design technology across the school.
  • Team sports kit
  • Music honours board/sognwriting
  • MIND donation
  • Catchlight photography Y11 PROM
  • Chris Lubbe – guest speaker
  • Onatti Theatre visit
  • TTS – Mud Kitchen for prep
  • Prep playhouse
  • Contribution to wooden boat for prep
  • Diving boards
  • School benches
  • Diving Blocks for the Swimming Pool (diving lessons will consequently follow)
  • Large Wooden Boat for Prep School
  • Replacement large Cherry tree on the drive
  • Rails and hangers for Drama Dept
  • 7 x solid teak benches for senior girls (1 for each year grp)
  • Cooking utensils for boarding
  • The Macmillan Coffee Morning raised – £513.28
  • The Quiz Night made – £469
  • Roller Disco – £587
  • Christmas Fair – £5,200
  • A Camera for Boarding
  • Donation to PA System in Prep School
  • Bulbs for the school grounds
  • A Nativity Set for the Prep School
  • Prayer Tree for the Chapel
  • Selection of board games for boarding
  • Wet Play games for the Prep School
  • The Biodiversity site landscaping
  • A Musicians honours board in the Senior School
  • Netball and Hockey Team kits
  • An extra set of Netball Posts
  • An extra set of Hockey Posts
  • Trampette for the Gym
  • Banners in the Prep Hall