
STE GCSE Course GuIde 2025–26 (PDF)
Year 7 Curriculum Booklet 2024-25 (PDF)

GCSE Academic Study: Years 10 & 11
Welcome to St Teresa’s GCSE Information and Course Guide

You may have already thought about which GCSE subjects you would like to study, or perhaps you are finding it difficult to make decisions.

This booklet provides information about how our Year 10 and 11 curriculum is organised, including a short overview of what each subject at GCSE level offers, and what will be expected of pupils.

All of the staff at St Teresa’s including your Head of Year and Form Tutor, are committed to supporting you through your GCSE years, ensuring that every pupil in our care reaches her potential.

Our aim at St Teresa’s is for all pupils to continue to follow a broad and balanced curriculum, with a study of each of the following areas of learning:

  • aesthetic, creative, literary
  • human, social
  • linguistic
  • mathematical
  • moral, spiritual
  • physical
  • scientific
  • technological

The two-year GCSE programme culminates in a series of external examinations. It is necessary to restrict the number of subjects a pupil may take to give the optimum amount of time to each one.

The most important aspects about GCSEs are:

  • That the quality of the results is what matters, not the number of passes,
  • That pupils should follow an enjoyable and diverse course that reflects their strengths and interests,
  • Certain GCSE/IGCSE examinations (but not all) are offered at various levels of difficulty, which determines the range of the final grade achieved