Second-hand Uniform Shop

 Second-Hand Uniform Submission Form

Our well stocked Second hand uniform shop is run by St Teresa’s parents and FOST committee members on a voluntary basis.

ONLY CASH & CHEQUE PLEASE.  We do not have the facilities for online payments.

Opening Hours (within term time)

Fridays 8:15am — 9.00am
First Saturday of every month 10:30am — 11.00am (By appointment only. See email address below)


Please look for a large blue and pink shed behind the ESTA tennis courts. There is a blue awning and a bench outside. You can’t miss us!
We would encourage you to visit the Schoolblazer website ahead of your visit to ensure you have the correct uniform list and sizing.

  • We only receive clean and sellable uniform.
  • You must complete a submission form.
  • We reserve the right to deem clothes unsellable if they are dirty, scruffy, torn, missing a button or altered in any way.
  • Clothes without forms are treated as a donation with all proceeds going to FOST.
FOST Second hand uniform contacts

Please contact Wendy or Camilla at The Second–hand Uniform Shop if you have an urgent query.