Contact Equestrian

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We are most easily contacted by e-mail, but if calling, please try more than once as the phone only rings 4 times before switching to answer phone! If we are still unable to make it to the phone, please leave a message with your name, contact number and a short message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Phone: 01372 750257
Sat Nav: use the following postcode for Sat Navs – RH5 6ST​
Grid Reference – TQ 11717 50986

What 3 Words – banana.drums.jazzy


We are located at St. Teresa’s School, Effingham and most easily accessed via the main school drive – STE is situated at the top of the drive. If the general car park is completely full, please pull into our STE car park through the double wooden gates and close these gates behind you. Please park quietly on the side away from the stables.

If coming from Guildford

Drive along the A246 past East Horsley towards Effingham. At the Effingham traffic lights/crossroads, turn right into Beech Avenue. Continue up Beech Avenue until just before it turns into single track and the main school entrance is on your left. Beech Avenue is narrow with overhanging branches in places but is easily passable slowly with a trailer or smaller lorry. It is tight with a large HGV.

If coming from Leatherhead

Drive along the A246 through both Bookham and Little Bookham, towards Guildford. At the Effingham traffic lights/crossroads, turn left into Beech Avenue. Continue up Beech Avenue until just before it turns into single track and the main school entrance is on your left. Beech Avenue is narrow with overhanging branches in places but is easily passable with a trailer or smaller lorry. It is tight with a large HGV.

If coming from Dorking/Redhill/Reigate

At the traffic lights on the A24 between the Denbies Wine Estate Roundabout and the Station (North of the Railway Bridge), turn left into Ashcombe Road, past Ashcombe school. Continue straight over the mini roundabout. At the T-junction opposite St. Martins Church of England Primary School turn right onto Ranmore Road. Continue up the hill to Ranmore Common – this road is a long uphill pull with some twists and uneven spots – it is easily manageable with a trailer or smaller lorry but it is tight with a large HGV if you meet something. Continue along Ranmore Common Road into the woods and take the third turning on your right (at a crossroads) into Critten Lane. Travel downhill for about 1/2 mile to the main school entrance on your right at the end of the overhanging trees.

If Critten Lane is unpassable, please use High Barn Lane into the back entrance of the school. Go carefully – the lane is single track and very narrow.