Competition Reports 2020

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NSEA Felbridge Saturday 5th December

On Saturday 5th December, a group of our NSEA riders went to Felbridge to compete in the Show Jumping Grassroots Championship.

Jackson, our individual rider in the earlier classes, came 1st in the 40cm and 4th in the 50cm.

In the 60cm class, we had two teams entered. One team – Antonia, Inde and Sofie – came 4th, the second team – Antonia, Chloe and Lottie – came 5th. Antonia placed 1st individually.

In the 70cm class, we also had two teams entered. The Green team – Antonia, Inde and Lulu – came 7th overall, while the Pink team – Chloe, Lottie, Mia and Sofie – placed 4th.

Congratulations everyone for such a brilliant result!

Felbridge Thursday 28th October

Three of our riders braved the weather out at a competition on Arnie, Charlie and Ellie on Thursday 28th October to do some dressage at Felbridge. Emily went first on Ellie to score 62.3%, Anna went next on Arnie to place 4th in her class with 66.3%. Finally, Jenna rode Charlie to score 63.6%. Well done everyone!

NSEA Felbridge Saturday 17th October 2020

Six NSEA riders went out to Felbridge on Saturday 17th October and did brilliantly! In the 50cm class, Inde, Jackson and Minty came 3rd as a team with Jackson placing 5th individually. The 60cm team went in – Chloe, Inde, Lottie and Sofie – and Chloe came 1st as an individual! Well done everyone!

NSEA Coombelands Sunday 4th October 2020

On Sunday 4th October in the pouring rain we had seven NSEA riders out competing at Coombelands, and did brilliantly!
Jackson was first up, coming 1st in the 40cm and 4th in the 50cm.
A team of three – Chloe, Lottie and Sofie – with a late addition, rode amazing rounds in the 60cm to come 7th as a team, with Sofie placing 2nd individually.
In the 70cm, Antonia, Chloe, Lulu and Sofie did the school proud to come in 1st place as a team! Individually, Antonia came 5th and Lulu placed 7th.
Finally, in the 80cm, Antonia, Lulu and Mia came 3rd overall with Antonia placing 7th individually.

NSEA Felbridge Sunday 27th September 2020

On Sunday 27th September, 12 riders travelled to Felbridge in the early hours to compete in show jumping for the NSEA.
Two teams competed in the 70cm class, Team Pink – consisting of Antonia, Lottie, Lulu and Sofie, and Team Green – Katrina, Inde, Rebekah and Victoria. After some amazing rounds, Team Pink ended up 3rd while Team Green placed 4th.
In the 80cm class Antonia, Lulu and Mia rode incredibly but unfortunately missed out on the placings.

NSEA Coombelands Friday 28th August 2020

At Coombelands on Friday 28th August the NSEA team took the competition by storm! With two teams and six girls competing across three classes, it was an incredible day out.
In the 60cm class – new addition Antonia came 3rd while Inde came 7th in the individuals and the whole team placed 1st! Congratulations to Antonia, Inde, Lottie and Sofie!
In the 70cm class – Lulu came 3rd as an individual and the teams placed 2nd and 3rd!
Congratulations Antonia, Inde and Lulu for placing 2nd, and to Lottie, Mia and Sofie for placing 3rd!
In the 80cm class – Lulu came 4th!
Well done!

Merrist Wood Sunday 1st March 2020

Congratulations to Anna and Phoebe for competing in Dressage, Prelim 7, at Merrist Wood on Sunday. Arnie was impeccably behaved for both of them and they came away with very respectable results for their first outing together.
Well done girls!

NSEA Merrist Wood Saturday 22nd February 2020

Four clear rounds in the 70-75cm NSEA show jumping at Merrist Wood on Saturday 22nd Feb 2020 gave our St Teresa’s team 2nd place and qualification for the NSEA National Championships at Addington in October.
Congratulations to Victoria on Mickey, Ava-Mae on Pimms, Inde on Smudge, and Lulu on Bailey for all riding brilliantly!