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Our Clients:

‘St Teresa’s Equestrian has always been my favourite place, whether I am riding or simply volunteering and enjoying the company of horses. The instructors are phenomenal and I always leave a lesson pleased and knowledgeable. They help me grow massively and have guided me to become the rider I am today. Behind the scenes of the beautifully kept school and horses is an incredible team of people that I have had the luxury of spending time with through my volunteering. Their sense of humour and joyous personalities bring a sense of community and belonging to the yard. While volunteering I have learned so much about the care of horses and what it is like to run a yard while surrounded by the animals and people I adore, as a whole I love being a rider at STE and am grateful for the opportunities it has given me. I truly love it here!’
Nikita C, Feb 2020

‘I love riding at St Teresa’s Equestrian Centre because all the staff and instructors are very kind and helpful, each lesson varies from the last as there are so many choices. I have been riding at STE for nearly five years and currently have three riding lessons a week and have been doing the After School Club for nearly two years. As I am a Pony Club member, I have been receiving my Achievement badges. I think my favourite thing about STE is how unique the horses and ponies are, all of them are completely different to ride which teaches me how to adapt to different horses there are schoolmasters/mistress and also more cheeky horses. I also enjoy the Pony Days as they are so much fun and I have learned so much from them because they involve grooming, tacking up, riding, yard duties, turning out or catching, untacking and leading the less experienced riders.’
Connie C, Dec 2019

‘I volunteer on a Saturday and I really enjoy it. I find it has really helped me, not only with my education with the horses but also how to connect with them. I have learnt that riding them is not enough and that the caring for them is the hardest but most rewarding part of owning a horse. As STE have so many different horses, they all have their different personalities and characteristics. I feel like I have made a few connections with certain horses, being ready for what they are about to do is key because it means you and the horse are safer. Tango has to be one of the horses that has made me a lot more confident, this is because I now approach him in more confident way when he is being grumpy and I feel like I can use this experience for many more horses and ponies in the future.’
Fern H, Dec 2019

‘I have been going to St Teresa’s Equestrian for about 5 years now and I absolutely love it! My favourite thing about STE is definitely the ponies. They all have the kindest hearts. My personal favourite, as I think everyone knows and gets sick of hearing, is most definitely Arnie. He is the sweetest chestnut you could ever meet and he has given me so much confidence and taken me from nervously jumping 60cm to jumping 90cm for the first time in the summer. Even though I love Arnie a LOT, all of the other ponies are very sweet too. I have ridden all of them except little Twinkle, Ellie and Hazel as I am too big for them sadly, as much as I would love to ride them, and they are all great fun to ride and teach you different things. Their Pony Days are always one of the highlights of the holidays and I always learn so much and have so much fun. They include lots of different riding and stable fun. The ponies also have a blast on the Pony Days as well as lessons, which are also very educational and fun. STE staff and ponies have taken me from nervously learning to canter to jumping 90cm and also starting my PE GCSE dressage, which I am enjoying. I would seriously recommend STE for anyone as they give and teach so, so much.’
Anna B, Dec 2019

‘I enjoy spending time with the other children on STE’s Pony Days. All the ponies are really nice and so are the staff. I have had great memorable moments there and I enjoy all the activities we do. Every day’s different! I have also enjoyed learning about all the important things horses need and the safety rules during the After School Club. I also love earning badges with my friend and my amazing teacher. I also love helping my friend not be as scared as she was when she started. I really enjoy learning to ride on my favourite horse, Ellie.’
Beth B, Jan 2020


‘Our daughter has ridden at STE for 3 years. Her brother, who attended Cranmore, has also enjoyed pony days and weekly lessons. The staff are highly professional, deeply knowledgeable and very caring. They provide regular feedback both formal and informal to ensure progression. Our daughter enjoys joining in with the Pony Club badges, gymkhanas, Pony Days and hacks in the beautiful grounds and woods. The horses are fantastic and after 3 years she is still excited to go to her lesson and it remains her favourite event of the week.’
Mrs Rees, Dec 2019

‘I would highly recommend St Teresa’s Equestrian whether it be regular weekly lessons or for the Pony Days running in the school holidays. The staff are all very knowledgeable, kind and caring. The horses/ponies are varied so they cater for all levels. The facilities are excellent in beautiful well maintained surroundings. They are definitely not your average riding school!’
Mrs Brown, Dec 2019


‘The team have been wonderful at looking after Sky at St Teresa’s Equestrian. It’s 10 star treatment as all the horses have individual attention and Sky has loved her time there. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend STE to look after your horse/pony where only the best for your horse/pony matters. It really is a full 10 star treatment. The only reason we are leaving is of a change in our circumstances. All the staff and facilities are totally recommended and it really is all about your horse/pony! Nothing else!
Jane E, June 2021

‘I kept my precious mare, Havana, at St Teresa’s for just under 2 years when I was unable to ride her. She arrived rather fat and unfit, and was brought slowly back to work by the staff with their expert care. Throughout, she was looked after with five star attention and lots of love. I brought her home as I had a rider for her, but would have no hesitation in sending her back in the future. The messages, when she left, from the girls who had loved her and ridden her, left me in no doubt that she was valued and she certainly returned a ‘better’ horse than when she arrived. If you are thinking of loaning your horse, I suggest it is a far better option than loaning to a stranger. The care is guaranteed and they all seem to thrive.’
Jo R, Dec 2019

‘I have had my horse, Grace, on loan to St Teresa’s Equestrian for three years now. Initially, I was only planning to loan Grace for a short period of time, however, the level of care that St Teresa’s provide to all their horses, including Grace, is quite simply, outstanding, and therefore, we have never moved! All of Grace’s needs are attended to. She is treated with the upmost care and respect and I can honestly say, that St Teresa’s Equestrian do look after the horses as if they were their own. I am hugely grateful to them for the last three years of first rate premium care for Grace.’
Fiona W, Jan 2020

‘Charlie has been on loan to St Teresa’s Equestrian since August 2018, he settled very well and has been a happy chilled horse since moving there. He has been well cared for by kind, knowledgeable staff. The stables, turnout and facilities are amazing.’
Romi C, Nov 2019

‘I highly recommend St Teresa’s Equestrian, they take great care of our beautiful little pony Choccy, she’s having so much fun and is being well cared for. We are allowed to visit whenever we like and every time we visit she just looks more and more amazing. 5* without a doubt!’
Rachel W, Nov 2019